Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Cardiology Treatments - Protecting the Hearts of Women

Cardiovascular disease is typically an umbrella term for more than 60 different conditions, which adversely affect the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, its treatment will completely depend on the condition in question. Possible cardiology treatments can include surgery, medication, lifestyle changes and therapies.

Women’s Overall Health is closely related to Her Cardiovascular Health -
Although heart ailment is usually thought of as a man’s problem, but the truth is that more women than men die of heart ailments each year. In case, you are a woman with cardiovascular ailments, you know it well that it can be challenging even to get a proper diagnosis. Owing to continual misconceptions and myths in the public as well as in the medical arena, females with heart diseases are less likely to be properly diagnosed.

While some cardiovascular ailment risk factors can be less harsh by lifestyle changes, like diet modification, stress management, healthy lifestyle or regular exercise, many others require proper medical treatment. In addition to practicing healthy lifestyle habits, medications and surgical treatments can boost positive results by 50% - 80%.

The implantable devices, drugs and therapies are essential for many women, and the treatments are tailored as per the diagnosis. Read below about the different cardiology treatments, what they do and the ailments they treat.

Drugs or Medications:
Depending on the diagnosis, the purpose of cardiac drugs includes:
  • Improving your hearts pumping capacity.
  • Alleviating the risk of having a stroke or heart attack, developing complications or death
  • Reducing symptoms

The Following are some of the most common medications for heart disease:
  • Anti-platelet drugs
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • ARB’s and ACE inhibitors
  • Statins
  • Beta-blockers
  • Nitro-glycerine

Implantable Devices:
Once regarded as “science fiction”, implantable devices today are a common treatment for specific kinds of cardiac ailments. These devices are installed in the chest cavity and have cables going into your heart. Implantable devices monitor your heart’s pumping, electrical activity, and renders electrical stimulation in order to get your heart pumping in a normal rhythm. Two kinds of implantable devices are available: pacemakers and implantable cardiovascular defibrillators.

Pacemaker’s cables are attached to the heart that helps to stimulate a normal and coordinated rhythm. These devices avert slow heart rates and heart blocks. You may require a pacemaker in case:
  • Your heart rate is extremely slow
  • You have had AV node ablation
  • You have specific types of heart blockages
  • You entail heart failure resynchronization

This device possesses a generator identical to a pacemaker and its cable system comprises of sensors or pace cables and defibrillation cables. Sensor cables detect heart rhythm disturbances and defibrillation cables stimulate the heart into a normal rhythm.

Surgical Therapies:
Women suffering from coronary heart ailment will need surgery in order to treat blockages or contractions of heart arteries. The surgeries are usually performed in case of an emergency (cardiac arrest, stroke or heart attack), or they can be an element of the treatment plan to remedy symptoms as well as evidences of reduced blood flow.

Surgical cardiovascular therapies include:
  • Angioplasty
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

Heart Ailment Diagnosis and Common Cardiology Treatments:
Most women with cardiac disease will be on medication, some may entail implantable devices and other may require surgical therapy. Work with your cardiologist to plan an effective treatment strategy that is right for your diagnosis.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Check out the Most Trustworthy & Latest Lipidology News at Online Portals

Knowledge only grows with discussion and when it comes to the medical field, there isn't a time when you can say you know it all. It is a continuous learning process that goes on throughout one's career. This learning and expertise in skills can be further enhanced when you are willing to learn and discuss your knowledge and ideas with others from your field of profession.
There is a host of interactive sites these days, launched for physicians so that they can indulge in learning in order to experience a whole new arena of advancement and growth in their field with the help of free open discussions with other physicians from different parts of the world.
There are times when even the best of doctors can be confused about particular disease or condition of a patient, or a particular question that their student must've asked them in class. This is the time when you can easily question others on these sites, which can be really helpful. This is because you won’t have to spend a lot of time in the libraries with those hefty books, you might be able to simply ask these questions to other renowned doctors and they can give you the answers in a jiffy.
Sharing knowledge makes it grow and this is another endeavour of these sites. They actually tend to help in making long term relationships with other physicians and specialists in terms of knowledge, skill and understanding. You can share your views; take part in discussions, which will increase the gyre of your clinical circle and help you grow as a true professional in the industry.
Another benefit is that it is a sound international platform and might help you get exposure to different medical technologies in the entire world for treating one particular type of ailment. They hold discussions and trivia on different topics such as diabetes, lipidology news, Endocrinology, Clinical Cardiology, cardio metabolic disorders besides other issues.
This would be a great opportunity for physicians who specialize in the same to learn and understand their profession even better and be able to learn from each other.
Medical students can benefit from these sites as well. This is because they can now have a range of lectures available for them online and won’t have to personally go far away colleges for the same. They can now benefit from e-learning and save time and money in the same process. It's the best thing that could've happened in the field of medicine and it's your time to take advantage of the same.
Check out the latest information from the world of medical science or get daily updates on lipidology news at http://www.lecturepad.org.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Cardiology News – Subscribe today!

When it comes to health and medical science, overlooking Health News subscriptions especially those related to the heart is something we cannot afford to do.
Medical science is irrefutably complex and keeps on bringing shocking news to the world regarding diseases, infections and viruses all the time. It is hard to deny the fact that research starts the moment you either encounter a health problem or you receive a warning about it. Dealing with health and medical science takes a lot of hard work, these researches and scientists come to know about these ailments in their initial stages. Therefore, when you subscribe to Cardiology News you can instantly learn about their latest announcements and upcoming health hazards, and the symptoms related to these diseases.
It was Cardiology news that made it known to the public about those patients that are labeled as aspirin resistant patients; those patients are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks or strokes.
Ask about the importance of heart related news to any expectant mother who is ever being tested positive for Peripartum Cadiomyopathy during her expectancy or after delivery, and she will tell you that it’s not an easy thing to deal with or understand, as in dietary intake of vitamins, and anti-angiogenic factors and many other issues.
Cardiology news is not only for those who are suffering from any type of cardio problems or for those who have tested positive from the beginning, but also for those who are blessed with a healthy heart.
It’s possible that you might take chest pain for acidity, but later on you might find yourself in the emergency room and having a near-death experience. Then it’s best that you subscribe to Cardiology news
now for some good health and piece of mind.