Monday, 10 December 2012

Is your wife pregnant and suffering from breathlessness? Then read Cardiology Articles!

The cardiology news, you must have read that pregnant women go through different emotions like; sad, happy, stressed, and excited. These mood fluctuations may cause shortness of breath, and it may even risk the life of the mother and that of the unborn child. If you need more information, then read this article and learn more about the causes and precautions of breathlessness during pregnancy.
Causes of breathlessness in pregnant women:
  1. In pregnant women, the progesterone hormone is the major cause of shortness of breath. Because the progesterone hormone it increases the amount of oxygen delivered into the blood, increasing the women's lung capacity and leading to shortness of breath.
  2. House and office work is another common cause of shortness of breath in pregnant women. They often come under stress and mood fluctuations
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  4. Later in their pregnancy, as the fetus gets bigger, the organs change their position which increases the amount of pressure on the diaphragm. Thus congestion in the organs causes the diaphragm to no longer extend and retract which causes shallow breathing, and ultimately women feel short of breath

  • All these symptoms may cause serious problems like; respiratory illness (asthma or pneumonia), rapid breathing, chest pain, faint, blueness around the lips, the fingers or the toes, and cough and fever
  • . Here are some solutions for shortness of breath, which may help pregnant women to get some relief from this condition:
    1. Breathing exercises: doing breathing exercises at home to counter this condition. A woman should take deep breaths, and inhale as much as she can to the count of three, then she should hold her breath for at least two seconds and then exhale slowly, by counting to six or more
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    3. Yoga: it is often said, that yoga therapy is best for pregnant women, as it helps to give them peace of mind in a physical, mental and spiritual terms. A yoga trainer would guide a woman with various breathing techniques, and make her aware of breathing patterns during pregnancy
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    5. Adequate rest: besides the above remedies, women indulge in activities that would make them feel stressed, so to overcome that, a pregnant woman should take adequate rest or take a break in between activities to avoid complications
    . For further information about shortness of breath during pregnancy, read cardiology articles, that would provide you with tips and precautions during pregnancy.

    Thursday, 6 December 2012

    Basic Diabetes Care Tips for People of All Age Groups

    Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world, and people from all over fall prey to the disease each year. There are two types of Diabetes.

    Type 1 is due to a hereditary history of the disease. If your family has a history of Diabetes, you are at a high risk of developing the disease. The onset of the disease can be delayed to some extent, but it will inflict you in due course of time. If your parents or grandparents suffered from the disease, you are at a higher risk, whereas if it were your great grandparents suffering from diabetes, you are at a relatively lesser risk of the disease.

    Type 2 diabetes is due to certain lifestyle habits and genetics. This type of diabetes can be totally prevented. People having a sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits, or smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and eating the wrong kinds of food can trigger the onset of diabetes. This is because these upsetting actions tend to harm the functioning of the pancreas, and causes diabetes.

    One needs to remember that simple lifestyle changes can help in preventing Diabetes, and lead you to a healthy life long life. Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes, and there is dire need for everyone to understand how important it is to maintain an ideal body weight, in order to avoid the risk of diabetes. Eating healthy foods that are full of roughage and low in sugar and salt can ideally help you maintain the best of health. There are certain types of food products that you need to avoid if you are already a diabetic and want to control your sugar levels.

    A number of websites and other sources can inform you about the latest diabetes articles, including new and existing trends of the medical industry. This way you can not only maintain a good health, but also delay the onset of diabetes. One can easily find these platforms and share their queries and experiences, where there can be discussions held on the correct modes of healthcare. You shall be able to make the most out of the knowledge on these platforms, so that you can develop good life style habits and be aware of the current trends of diabetes care.

    This type of care tips can be sought on the internet or through books and health seminars in your vicinity.

    If you wanna get more knowledge about diabetes articles as well as Diabetes Education so just visit to our site