Friday, 26 April 2013

Here’s why you must strive for a healthy heart!

The Heart is your body’s ‘Hero’, the protagonist! The most important organ of the body, and if it were to stop functioning even for a couple of seconds, then it would be the end of your story! Now doesn’t that make it all the more essential for you, to take the best possible care of its health and wellness?
The heart works non-stop and you need to keep fuelling it with the right ingredients, to keep it functioning in the best possible way. But what do we do instead? We live an unhealthy life style; we clog the sensitive components of the heart by carelessly consuming unhealthy foods, smoking and drinking alcohol. So by living an unhealthy life style, we are only heading towards illness and hospital visits.
The choice is yours. A healthy life doesn’t just happen; it has to be built. There are many print and digital media Cardiology articles which are filled with information and ways on how to keep your heart fit. You need to select a health plan, which can actually help you to lead a healthy life. You need to make sure that you eat lots of greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals and food that contain fiber and also lots of exercise. This shall help in keeping your metabolism rates high, and will also help your body get rid of all its toxins and waste, and live a healthy life.
I know how difficult it is to make adjustments from your busy schedule, but remember that you are fighting for a healthy heart. Do everything you can, jog, swim, or just stay active! Anything that includes a good amount of physical activity can make you get rid of the excess weight and keep you healthy and fit.
‘Rest’ is as important as exercise, and you need to make sure that you sleep a sound 6-8 hours, so that you wake up healthy and fresh in the morning. The entire cycle needs to be focused upon. Besides this, staying updated with cardiology news shall help you find out the latest facts and developments in the medical industry, which can help you, boost your health.
All you need to do is take a step towards a healthy heart!Get such an exclusive tips about how to stay healthy.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Prevent obesity from taking over your health and happiness!

Obesity has long been linked to a number of diseases in people around the world. Living with all that excess fat on your body can not only be very figuratively tormenting for you, but it is also and open gateway to a number of diseases.
This is why it is essential that you maintain a proportionate body weight! Reading and gaining knowledge through the most renowned cardiology journals, you will discover that the biggest sufferer of a heavy body is the heart, which needs to work continuously, pumping blood to the body.
Being overweight will make the heart weak, stressed out, and diseased. The cholesterol that you consume through unhealthy foods tends to pack the walls and arteries of the heart, making it all the more difficult for it to function. With time, it brings down the health and wellness of your heart, while making you ill.
Lipids that are a very essential aspect of nutrition for your body also play an essential role in this entire paraphernalia. These are those water-insoluble molecules that are responsible for the relative production of fat in the body. If we have a healthy diet, the production of harmful fat will definitely be reduced. Obesity can lead to a number of serious consequences, and many times in order to avoid such consequences; people need to have surgery done.
So learn all about lipidology obesity surgery and start taking care of your weight now.
Exercising and eating a balanced diet is a must, and we know it. However, there are other small steps that you can incorporate in your life, which would help you in losing your excess weight, while maintaining a healthy figure. Drinking lots of water and consuming lots of fiber shall definitely help you in shedding the extra pounds.
Just remember that you need to take care of your body in order to keep it healthy. Simple steps shall lead you to a healthy life!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Why diabetes education is important for everyone?

Diabetes is a rapidly emerging health threat across the world. Although lots of extended research is being done to find a cure for the disease, the success so far, has not been very effective.
It’s said that ‘prevention is better than cure’, and the medical professionals have always emphasized on spreading as much awareness as possible about diabetes. Below you will find some of the reasons that make diabetes education is so important for everyone–
  1. It’s always better to be cautious – the fact that so far there has been no effective remedy found for this life threatening medical condition, prevention from it is very important. People’s deteriorating lifestyle habits have increased the risks of developing this disease even greater. Therefore, it is imperative that you stay updated about the risks associated with the disease, and learn how to manage a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid this horrible disease.
  2. Awareness about the risks associated with the disease – although maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you against developing diabetes, but the fact that it can also be genetically transmitted, makes education about it even more important. Being aware of all the signs and symptoms of diabetes can help you detect the disease at an early stage therefore making it possible for you to get immediate medical attention from a specialist, rather than waiting for it to reach the critical stage.
  3. Ensure a healthy lifestyle – diabetes can worsen if the lifestyle habits are sedentary. Detailed education about it can help you adopt a healthier and better lifestyle, so that you and your family do not have to worry about the complications of this serious disease. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you not only minimize the risk of diabetes, but also the risks of any other such diseases that are associated with poor lifestyle habits.
Surely the above mentioned factors have shown you the importance of being educated about diabetes.
Wondering where can you get all such information? Well, there are a number of online journals where you can get all the latest medical events and information regarding; cardiology news, articles on diabetesas well as other similar critical information.
So, keep yourself safe from this serious and deadly disease, by getting the proper information, and adopting a healthier lifestyle with the help of online journals and news.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Education can play a key role against Diabetes!

If we consider the data provided by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in their National Diabetes Fact sheet for 2011, then you will be shocked to see what the statistics show–
  • 8.3% of the population of the country including children have diabetes.
  • 18.8 million people have been diagnosed with Diabetes, and there are 7 million more who are at risk, but so far have not been diagnosed.
  • 79 million people are known to be going through the prediabetes stage.
For a disease like Diabetes, education and awareness are the only solutions.
Most people are not aware of the seriousness of diabetes, and the fact that it could be the root-cause of many other health problems. Here is a sneak peak at some more statistics (provided in the ADA fact sheet for the year 2011) that reflect the prevalence of health problems because of diabetes –
  • The risk of a stroke among people affected with diabetes is 2-4% higher than compared to normal people.
  • Statistics show that in 2004, 68% of the people who died because of heart troubles had diabetes.
  • From 2005-2008, 4.2million people were reported to have diabetic retinopathy (a medical condition that can lead to blindness).
  • As of 2008; 202,290 people in the United States were reported to suffer from end-stage kidney disease due to diabetes, and had to undergo kidney transplants.
  • In 2006, 65,700 people had to undergo non-traumatic lower limb amputations because of diabetes.
  • About 1 in every 400 children and adolescents, i.e. 215,000 people under the age of 20 years, suffer from diabetes.
Are you shocked by this revelation? Well you should be.
Keeping in mind that there has been no reliable cure found for the disease so far, it becomes imperative to be aware about the dangers associated with this disease, and the ways in which you can minimize them.
Professionals suggest that being aware of the on-going research on diabetes, and problems associated with various fields linked to it like cardiology, lipodology, and others is of great help to avoid undergoing treatments because of this medical condition.
Having discussed all the facts regarding Diabetes, you can clearly understand the significance of education in combating this disease. So, always update your knowledge and that of your family on this topic.